InDesign CS Chinese-English glossary actual size actual size align alignment anchor point anchor arrangement arrange assign assign profiles assign color profiles attributes baseline baseline bounding box limit box cascade cascade cell cell cell options cell option change case change case character character character sytle character style character sytle character style check spellilng spell check choose select clear clear clipping path clipping path close close color color settings color settings column column column column command command compound paths compound path content content control control convert convert rows convert table to text convert table to text convert text to table convert text to table convert to profile convert color configuration copy copy corner effects corner effect creat guides create guide lines creat outlines word to frame cursor cursor cut cut
deselect all deselect all dictionary dictionary direct-selection tool direct selection tool display performance display mode display performance display mode distribute columns evenly distribute rows evenly distribute rows evenly distribute rows document document document presets document style document setup document settings document settings drop shadow shadow duplicate copy edit edit edit footer edit header edit header edit in story editor edit in story editor edit entire pasteboard in the article editor the entire pasteboard exit exit export export feather feather file file file file file info file information fill with placeholder text fill with placeholder text find / change Find / replace find font Check font find next Find next first page Home fit page in window Fit spread in window Fit spread in window Fitting fit Font font footer Footer footer footer format format frame edges frame border
glyphs font go back backward go forward forward go to row go to row gradient gradient grid group group guides auxiliary handle handle hand tool hand tool header header header header hyperlinks hyperlink icon icon image color settings image color Set import XML Import XML
info information insert insert break character insert special character insert special character insert table insert table insert white space insert space interactive interactive keyboard shortcuts shortcuts last page last page layers layer layout layout adjustment layout adjustment links links lock position lock margins edge Empty margins and columns master items home items merge cells merged cells navigator navigator new new next page next next spread next spreading numbering & section options page number and chapter options object object open open open recent open recent Output preview output preview overprint overprint preview overprint preview
package package for golive package pages for golive Palette adjustment palette adjustment paragraph paragraph Paragraph style paragraph style paragraph style paragraph style paste paste in place paste in place paste into paste into pathfinder path effect PDF Export Presets PDF export style place place preferences preferences preflight preflight preview preview previous page previous previous previous previous spread print print presets printer style proof colors color proof proof setup proof setting redo repeat reverse path reverse path revert restore row row ruler guides auxiliary line rulers rule save save save a copy save copy save as save as select select select all select shortcut shortcut show hidden characters show hidden characters size size snap to guides specify auxiliary lines specify split cell horizontally split cell horizontally split cell vertically Vertically split cells spread spread a step nd repeat multiple paste story article story editor article editor stroke stroke structure structure style row style style row style swatches color palette
table of contents table of contents styles table style table options table options tabs positioning tags tags text text text frame options text box options text threads text concatenation thumbnail thumbnail tile tile title bar title bar tool tools tool tools tools toolbox transform transform transform transformy flattener presets transparent blending style transparency transparent transparency blend space transparent blending space trap presets trapping style type text type on a path undo undo ungroup ungroup unlock position unlock unmerge cells restore cells update table of contents update catalog view view workspace workspace zoom zoom in zoom in zoom out zoom out
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