Like other devices, the sensor can also have errors. To maintain consistency, the error is defined as the difference between the measured value and the true value. Although there are more than one way to divide the errors that may occur, the errors of the sensors are divided into five basic categories: insertion, application, characteristics, dynamics, and environmental errors.
I. Insertion error It is the error caused by changing the measurement parameters when a sensor is inserted into the system. This is usually the case when performing electronic measurements, but similar problems can occur in other methods of measurement. For example, a voltmeter measures voltage in a loop. It must have an inherent impedance that is much larger than the loop impedance or a loop load. At this point, the reading will have a large error. This type of error is caused by the use of a transmitter that is too large for the system (eg, pressure system); or the dynamic characteristics of the system are too slow, or the system is self-heating loading too much thermal energy .
Second, the application error It is generated by the operator, which also means that there are many reasons. For example, errors caused by vibration velocity sensor measurements include incorrect placement of the probe or incorrect insulation between the probe and the measurement site. Other application errors include errors in the purification process of air or other gases. Application errors also involve incorrect placement of the transmitter, so positive or negative pressure will affect the correct reading.
Third, the characteristic error inherent in the device itself, it is the difference between the ideal and recognized transfer function characteristics and the real characteristics of the device. Such errors include DC drift values ​​(eg, erroneous pressure heads), incorrect bevels, or non-linear slopes.
Dynamic Errors Many sensor characteristics and calibrations are applied under static conditions, which means that the input parameters used are static or static. Many sensors have strong damping so they do not respond quickly to changes in input parameters. For example, a speed sensor takes a few seconds to respond to a step change in temperature. Therefore, the thermistor does not immediately jump to a new impedance or cause a sudden change. Instead, it is slowly changing to a new value. If a sensor with a delay characteristic responds to a rapid change in temperature, the output waveform will be distorted because it contains dynamic errors. The factors that produce dynamic errors are response time, amplitude distortion, and phase distortion.
5. The environmental error is derived from the environment in which the sensor is used. Factors include temperature, or swing, vibration, altitude, chemical volatilization, or other factors. These often affect the characteristics of various air pressure sensors and vibration speed sensors, so in practical applications, these factors are always grouped together.
Laser jet printer
Laser jet printer uses software to deflect laser beam and directly burns the surface of the product to be marked by laser at high temperature to form fonts or patterns.
The advantages of laser jet printer are as follows:
1. Reduce production costs, reduce consumables and improve production efficiency.
2. Anti-counterfeiting effect is obvious. Laser code-jet technology can effectively inhibit the counterfeiting of product identification.
3. It is helpful for product tracking record. Laser jet printer can print out the batch date and shift of the product. It can make every product get good tracking performance.
4. Increasing the added value can make the product look better. Promote the brand awareness of products.
5. The equipment is reliable, the Laser Marking Machine has mature industrial design, stable and reliable performance, can work 24 hours continuously, and the laser maintenance-free time is more than 20,000 hours. Temperature adaptability range is wide (5 - 45 C), which is widely used in various industries in the field of production and packaging.
6. Environmental protection and safety. Laser typewriters do not produce any chemicals harmful to human body and environment. It meets GB7247-87 and GB10320-88 standards. It is an environmental-friendly high-tech product.
7. Laser jet printer can print a large amount of data in a very small range. Laser can mark the product material with very fine beam. The printing accuracy is very high, the control is accurate, the content of jet printing is clearly and perfectly interpreted. It has strong market competitiveness, environmental protection and safety, without any corrosiveness, and completely isolates chemistry. Pollution is also a kind of intimate protection for operators, which ensures the cleanliness and tidiness of the production site, reduces the investment in the later period, and reduces noise pollution.
Human beings have reached an unprecedented height in their understanding of environmental protection and effective utilization of resources. It has become the consensus of developed countries and most developing countries, including China, to eliminate the backward equipment and production processes that cause environmental pollution and waste of resources to the greatest extent. Because the dot matrix ink typewriter has four difficult problems: high pollution, high consumables, high failure and high maintenance, which can not be overcome. Especially the chemical pollution caused by dot matrix ink typewriter in use can cause harm to the environment and operators.
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